Happy Friday, lovelies! So it is officially less than a month until Third Time’s the Charm releases. How exciting is that!!! I can’t wait to share this spooktacular story with everyone. I finished my Christmas book for the year (Dashing Through the Fear) so my mind has already shifted gears to the second book in a Haunting Love novel. It will be Breck and Charly’s book, and it’s gonna be fun diving into their stories. A prologue entered my head earlier today and I can’t wait to start it, but not sure I’ll get to it yet. My mom is coming to visit for the next two weeks so it’ll be all fun and games and no work. So if you don’t see a post in the next two weeks, that’s why!
So this week instead of sharing a new teaser, I thought I’d share the media kit I created for Third Time’s the Charm. I’d love if you helped me spread the word about it! The media kit has everything you need. Retailer links, blurb, my social media links and bio, teasers…you name it, I got it. Of course, if you see something you wanted and I didn’t provide, let me know! I’ll add it.
Get the media kit HERE!

Since I can’t help myself…and I’m super excited…I’m going to share an excerpt today as well! Eek! I love Bailey and Kade!
He sat back on the couch, set the pie on the coffee table, and grabbed his beer. She sat next to him, touching his shoulder again. He shivered.
She felt bad making him cold, but she loved the response too much to stop. Others had sensed her at times. But she didn’t like getting too close. With Kade, it felt different. She could say she’d never felt a rush like she had when he walked right through her. She swore she felt it straight to the bones—if she had bones. She was nothing more than a ghostly figure that’d been roaming the dilapidated house for more than a hundred years.
“So, widowed. Twice. Sounds like a story there. Care to share?”
He took a swallow of his beer.
“No, don’t want to talk about it, uh? Yeah, I wouldn’t want to either.” She leaned forward, angling her head toward him. “I want to know. You and Todd alluded to stuff but didn’t give me enough to make sense of it. That man who was here earlier, you called him a detective. I didn’t get the friendly vibe. Talk to me, Kade.”
“What am I doing?” He leaned his head against the cushion.
“You’re sitting with me. With Bailey. Your new friend. Your new roommate. I can be fun. Give me a chance.”
It sucked trying to talk to someone and they didn’t answer. She’d scream and holler until her voice would disappear—if it could—and still no one ever responded.
He sat back up and eyed the pie.
“Ewww. Don’t eat it. You don’t know her. She could’ve poisoned it. Trust me. Some women are vipers. I’m not one. But I’m saying some are.”
He grabbed the pie and headed to the kitchen where he grabbed a fork and stuck it into it. Apple pie. Bailey shook her head back and forth, wobbling on her decision.
The fork lifted toward his mouth, the gooeyness attached to it.
“No! Don’t eat it!” She swiped her hand at the fork, passing through it.
But it was enough to jerk the fork a bit. She had even felt the metal against her skin for the briefest of moments.
Kade jerked, stopping the movement. He looked around the room.
“Yes!” Bailey jumped up and down. “I’m here. It’s Bailey. Don’t eat that shit. You don’t know her.”
Kade set the fork down, staring at the pie. He shivered again, then went to the fridge, grabbing another beer.
“Can I have a sip?”
“No.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“Well, that was rude.”
“This is ridiculous. Nothing is here with you. Eat the damn pie.”
Bailey stepped in front of him, trembling when he walked through her.
He jerked, stopping in his tracks.
They turned at the same time.
His eyes were straight ahead as if he could see her, yet no recognition hit his gaze.
“I’m right here. Right in front of you.”
“I don’t believe in ghosts.”
Bailey laughed. Then she reached out and caressed his cheek. At least, tried to.
He shivered, darting his eyes back and forth.
“That’s right. I’m here with you. You can sense me. I know you can.”
“It’s just a draft.”
She glared. “No, it’s not.” She swiped at the bottle in his hand, but it didn’t move like the fork had. Though he shivered from the movement.
He eyed his hand.
“Whatever. I can handle a ghost. It’s nothing compared to the shit I’ve been through.”
He took a long pull of the beer.
Bailey sighed. “I wish you’d tell me what that was. I’d like to know.”
Kade turned toward the pie and took a step. She reached out to grab his arm. Nothing but air. He jerked to a stop, twisting back her way.
“Okay, I get the sense I’m not supposed to touch the pie.” He cradled the bottle to his chest. “I’m drinking this damn beer though.”
Bailey chuckled. “You’re so cute. You can have the beer. I’ll allow it.”
Kade waited, and when nothing happened, he took a sip. “Okay. Glad we have that settled.”
(Copyright © 2023 Amanda Siegrist)
Much ℒℴѵℯ ♡ Amanda Siegrist
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